It’s finally the fall season, and it’s time to look over the fun local fall activities. The most popular fall activity is going to the Lane Farms pumpkin patch. Another extremely popular fall activity is going to haunted houses during halloween. This is a fun and scary activity. My personal favorite thing to do with my family is carving pumpkins. This activity is relaxing, lets your creativity takeover, and the pumpkin seeds taste amazing.
“Every year a week exactly before halloween me and all my family and friends always go to Lane Farms and get pumpkins and go through the corn maze,” said sophomore Evelyn Van Dyke.
The Lane Farms pumpkin patch is a huge attraction to all, as it is one of the most popular places in Santa Barbara during the fall, especially during the halloween season. They include a pumpkin patch, a maze, a variety of food and candies, and a tour around the place.

“I mean there’s the obvious activities like pumpkin carving with friends and going to the pumpkin patch which is really fun! Doing group costumes and usually at Halloween our family does this big thing for trick-or-treaters where we all dress up as something, last year as pirates It was really cool,” said Sophomore Zoe Javanbakht.
Another big thing that many people do during the fall is have groups get together and go to haunted houses or trick-or-treat together. Trick-or-treating is the most popular thing for kids during the fall season as they get to dress up, run around with their friends and get candy. One of the most popular places to go to is the San Roque area.
During the later part of fall near Thanksgiving time, there are fun activities such as going on hikes. The weather is perfect for a morning or evening hike with your family and Santa Barabra has some amazing hiking trails such as Rattlesnake Canyon Park, More Mesa, and many more great hiking trails.
During this fall you should go out and try a few of these activities with your friends, and enjoy the beautiful views we have.