Dear Associated Student Body, (of whom I am president)
As we approach the holidays, and the much anticipated (and well deserved) Fall Break, I feel now is as great a time as ever to reflect on all that we are thankful for, and thankful to have achieved. Both as a collective, and as individuals, we have many victories to celebrate, and that should be acknowledged. For starters, words can not express how thankful I am to be able to be on campus in person with all of you. Of course, this is stating the obvious as I don’t think there is a person on campus who felt zoom school was as gratifying or as efficient as being together. That being said, as glad as I know everyone is to have the opportunity to be fully back on campus, as we all adapt to the “new normal,” some of our Royals seem to have forgotten that this is an honor and a privilege. At least, that is the impression I get from the actions of a few.
Though I understand, there is no true success at school, or in life, without hardship: and there will always be a common goal to work toward, a struggle or problem to address, and an issue to improve upon, there is one pertinent issue in particular that I feel needs special attention and effort put into at this time.
I can no longer suppress my disappointment in the amount of litter that plagues this campus, while simultaneously mourning the decay of our proud school’s Royal Values in silence.
Of course, some might not understand the impact that this garbage epidemic has on our campus, and so I write this column; not to assign blame (as I can understand how such a volatile year and a half has affected the smoothness of our transition), but to try to provide some perspective and educate.
Our custodial staff has become extremely overwhelmed with the recent influx of litter, and find themselves held up every day, working hours of overtime, keeping them from their families and burning them out. Morale is low.
To those who litter or plan to litter, I ask you: Kindly reconsider and think of the consequences of your actions, and the impact they have on those around you. Please exercise better judgement in the future. Understand that you are also harming yourself, as you cheat yourself out of having a clean campus on which to prosper and maximize your potential. Don’t not litter only for me, or for others, but for YOU! To be the best person and best Royal you can be.
To those who do not litter or have had a change of heart, I appreciate your doing the right thing, and I am sorry to have wasted your time in urging you to refrain from doing something you already don’t do. But I felt it necessary nonetheless, as this issue affects all of our experience on campus.

I hope to see less acts of self sabotage committed as some of you see a change of heart, and that you ALL have a restful and bountiful Fall Break with your families and friends. And as you reflect, I hope you remember to be thankful for those who work so hard to keep our campus clean and running smoothly.
If you have any questions, comments, constructive criticisms, or concerns. Feel free to come up to me on campus, or participate in the public comment portion of ASB meetings, which are held every Thursday in Room I-9 at 8:30am.
Sincerely Proud to be a Royal,
Gabriel A. Casey
ASB President (2021-2022)
School Site Council President (2021-2022)
Homecoming Royal (2021-2022)