Digital Arts and Design is one of the most unique classes offered at San Marcos with several unique art projects that bring out the best artists in the class and show off their amazing work. Mr. Bazylewicz class is a prime example of this with great art projects coming out of that class every year.
“In the beginning of digital Art and Design we mostly focused on photo editing skills like blurring backgrounds and layering different images on top of one another. Now we are mostly working with digital illustration and have made things like sugar skulls, mazes, and we are currently working on designing logos,” said sophomore Zoe Javanbakht. This gives us a good look inside the digital art class and how students are able to use computer designs and drawing and mix them together to create amazing art.

“One of my favorite projects was our maze project. For that we chose an organic shape like an animal or object, brought that image into Adobe Illustrator and traced it as the border of the maze. Then we used the pen tool in Illustrator to draw the lines of the maze on the inside. At the end we also colored and shaded our final project. It did take a long time, but I was still happy with the end result.” Said sophomore Zoe Javanbakht.
This project gives us an inside look on how the projects are done in digital arts. You can also see the immense detail that Zoe has put into this project along with many other projects that she has completed during the year. In this project you can see the drawing skills Zoe has in the drawing of the pumpkin. Along with this we can also see the editing skills that are taught in digital arts with the design of the maze inside the pumpkin.
Digital arts is an amazing class that is offered at San Marcos by Mr. Bazylewicz you get to learn amazing skills that can help in drawing and editing and can improve your creative thinking skills. Along with this you should check out more of the students work in digital arts in room b-4, and consider taking this class yourself.