Hello Royals:
As the calendar year comes to an end, I want to wish everyone a happy holiday season. Although I am happy to celebrate a number of holidays in December, including my birthday, I can’t help but miss my mom and dad who live in South Korea. With two boys in the Army, I have spent Channukah and Christmas missing my boys and my parents in the past. In fact, I moved during last year’s winter break, and I spent the whole break packing, unpacking, and missing my boys rather than celebrating the holidays. Of course, COVID made everything so much more challenging. This year, I am so excited to have both my boys join me and my husband during the winter break! I will still miss my parents, but it will be a much better holiday season just for the fact that I will be with my two boys.

I know that some Royals might have similar experiences that I have had this holiday season, either enjoying spending time with their families or missing their family members. Perhaps both. Some working Royals will help me and my boys celebrate this holiday season as they will be working to keep the restaurants and the stores open for me and my boys to visit. Some might have to move as I did, which will make it challenging for them to celebrate the holidays.
What I remember about last year’s holiday season is the kindness that I experienced from my colleagues and friends. They called and sent text messages to check in with me during the holiday season. I also kept in touch with my boys and even my parents in South Korea via FaceTime and Kakao Talk. Every text and every message meant so much to me and helped me get through a tough holiday season. This year, I plan to have yet another video call with my parents when my boys come to visit. And I hope to visit South Korea sometime soon. Real soon.
So I ask you, Royals, to be considerate of all types of families in different situations. Perhaps you would consider reaching out to a friend or family member to let them know you are thinking of them. Perhaps you would consider hugging your family a bit tighter as I plan to do with my boys even if they complain. Most importantly, please know that I will be thinking of you and wishing you the safest and the happiest of holidays.