Dear Lance, It’s nearing the end of the semester and Christmas Break is my last chance to catch-up on my homework. What is a good way to plan so I can still have fun and eat candy canes and drink hot chocolate? Sincerely, Scrooge Studying
Hello Scrooge Studying,
Christmas Break is a fabulous time to finish and turn in all the assignments you have been dreading to do. The most important part of getting your assignments done is planning. First start by blocking off all the events you already have scheduled. Then, make a list of all the assignments you need to complete by looking at NEO or wherever your teacher gives you a playlist of assignments (I recommend doing this in order of due-dates). Once you have those two lists, plan out each day with only a couple of assignments. This way there will be a balance between work and fun! It will feel annoying to do homework everyday but it will save you from a procrastination Christmas break breakdown. An alternative option is doing more assignments per day, every other day instead of a couple everyday. You also want to plan your day around doing the assignments and prioritize them. I wish you perseverance!
Dear Lance, I need help with completing a Roblox obby level. Can you help me? Sincerely, California Gurl in a Roblox World
Hi California Gurl in a Roblox World,
I can see your frustration with the completion of your Roblox obby. Luckily, I think I will be able to help you! Obby means obstacle course where players jump from place to place, avoiding obstacles, and clearing treacherous gaps, and as this game can be mobile or PC, etc. In terms of obbys I do suggest using a larger device than a smaller one (like a cellular device). A large one would make playing easier and to make reactions faster during the duration of the course. I also suggest investing in power ups some suggest to make your jumps higher, speed faster/slower, and many others the game might offer. Though it does differ on which level you are at, I suggest following Marshart on Youtube who’s a Roblox content creator and also a highschooler here in Santa Barbara.