It’s almost Valentine’s Day, a day where we are showered with love, gifts, happiness, etc. But for some it doesn’t necessarily go this way. It’s valid to feel bummed out around this love filled holiday. We get that this special day is made for showing your love to your very special someone, but we often forget the fact that it doesn’t have to be this way. What if we changed the narrative around Valentine’s Day and it also became a day of self love, because in reality all we have in the end is ourselves. It’s important to love and cherish the body we live in along with strengthening our mind. According to Medical News today, “psychology studies attest, self-love and -compassion are key for mental health and well-being, keeping depression and anxiety at bay.” So this year instead of sulking in a pile of chocolates, feel good by practicing self love.

Skin care/ body care
There are so many different acts of self love, but this is my personal favorite. Obviously a huge part of self love is just taking care of yourself. This act is super simple, you can use face masks while watching a romcom, take a nice relaxing bath, use body scrub, and do whatever you feel to help boost your confidence. My personal favorite face mask is the Rosy Cheeks face mask by Lush, it works by calming and soothing your skin.
Dinner Date
I know the thought of taking yourself out on a date sounds kinda sad, but I think it calls for an amazing time. You deserve to have some alone time, and a great time would be to watch the sunset and by yourself dinner. It is always so relaxing to be by yourself and just listen to music with no distractions. It’s a great way to practice being independent and helps you reconnect with yourself. So get some takeout and go to the nearest lookout spots in Santa Barbara or Goleta. Some very well known spots are Bridge to nowhere, Farren Rd, or “Make out point”, if you’re in need of more spots check out our article called “Santa Barbara Sweet Spots.”
I love to write, whether it’s essays, articles, etc. I think that writing is so amazing because you have the ability to explain how you feel when writing instead of having to actually say it. I know that Valentine’sDay can be hard for some people, and it’s so important to not bottle up your emotions. Starting a journal is an amazing way to start your self love journey.
Nourish your body
I know when you hear nourish it seems like a super healthy term. But come on, this is a day of candy! Feel free to eat candy and don’t feel bad about it. Indulge yourself, it is a day all about you anyways. But that does come with staying hydrated and eating when your body needs food. The body and mind go hand and hand, so its important to eat to have a clear mind.
I hope you found some new activities you can do to start your self love journey. You don’t have to do self care only on Valentines day, try to make it an everyday habit. I promise you, Valentine’s day will be so much less harder every year if you learn to love yourself first.