Hi fellow book lovers. Even though I have been reading a lot lately, none of the books have been that good, which has put me in a bit of a reading slump. I have been surviving off one series alone, and this book review will be focused solely on those books. Warning: this might be super nostalgic. A lot of my friends told me about their love for them in the past few weeks, thoroughly convincing me to keep reading (though I was already hooked). I was only recently introduced to these books, and I wish I had found them during childhood, but I guess teengagehood is better than not at all. So, join me on a journey of reminiscence, and enjoy!
This review has to be prefaced by an acknowledgement to Kaitlyn Caldow, for essentially forcing me to read her favorite series. As apprehensive as I was originally, I cannot thank you enough for this excellent recommendation, and I am so excited to continue reading books with you! So, this edition is dedicated to her.
The Series in Question:
“Keeper of the Lost Cities” by: Shannon Messenger
Genre: Fantasy
Keeper of the Lost Cities follows the adventures of an elf, Sophie, who finds out that her whole human existence is a lie. She is soon transported to the magical Lost Cities, and her life truly begins! Along with her adventurous group of new friends, Sophie learns about her special ability (being a Telepath), magical creatures (like the elusive alicorn), and a mysterious group called the Black Swan (who will soon become a larger part of her life than she could have ever anticipated). The entire series follows their journeys in the magical land, and the foes (evil organizations, and otherwise) they encounter along the way.
The summary I have given thus far was meant to be a general overview of the series, and a good introduction to the first book. But, I don’t think it managed to capture the essence of the books. The best comparison I can make is that it is like Harry Potter, but less dark. Yes, people still die and get injured, but overall thematically, it is a lot of a lighter book. All the glitter and sparkles definitely help. Within the first couple of chapters, it is revealed that Sophie is an elf. I guess I could have gotten that information from reading the back of the book (or reading someone else’s review), but I was genuinely shocked. However, I have learned that elves are a lot like humans, though they have much cooler eye colors. I love all the aspects of this world: the frilly dresses, the huge houses made of crystal, all of the species, and of course the school they all attend. Foxfire (the school) sounds amazing. The grade level mascots, all the class subjects, the teachers, and the whole flavored locker lock thing make it unforgettable, and I would absolutely love to go there. Even detention sounds fun. The characters are awesome too. As the series progresses, more people are added to the main group, which diversifies the cast, and lends itself to more adventures based on their abilities. My favorite character so far (mind you, I’ve only read through the 5th book) is Keefe. He is one of the core characters, and his character arc throughout the last couple books has been really interesting. He started off as a loveable prankster, but now has transitioned into more of a troubled teen. Even though he is going through a lot, he never fails to make Sophie smile, which is really nice. I have not finished the series yet, and I know that the author is planning on writing a couple more books. I cannot wait to find out what happens next, because each book has been a page turner, with so many big reveals thrown in. Seriously, when you least expect it a huge truth is revealed. I actually really like that aspect of the books. Instead of all the action happening towards the end, it is spread throughout the story, causing a richer plot with more material. Although the target audience for these books may lean towards the younger side, they are really enthralling, and so creative. As one of my friends once said, I have no clue how the author comes up with all of this! Some people are amazingly imaginative, as evidenced by books like these. If you enjoyed these books when you were younger, I think you should read them again! If you did not, also read them! Fantasy is such a fun genre, because it allows for so many possibilities. Reading fantasy books like these make me feel like I am young again (even though I am not that old). Join me on a journey back to childhood and reminiscence by reading Keeper of the Lost Cities, and enjoy the endless possibilities.
I am ever grateful for you reading all the way to the end. I know this edition was a little different, but thanks for giving it a chance! As always, happy reading, and have a fantastical day!
Image Courtesy Elizabeth Leka