Our San Marcos Library is an amazing place to find good books to read, spaces to relax, and time to study. But what do we have to look forward to at our Library, and what books are good to read? Upcoming in March we can look forward to the classic March book madness held at our library. You will be able to vote using a google form on a bracket of books to see which one is voted better than the rest! You can also submit a bracket of your own, predicting what books will win each vote and which book will come out on top. The closest bracket submitted to what ends up happening in the vote will get a prize. The library has also been lucky enough to get a grant to be able to now have a 3D printer in the maker space that students can use! You only have to sign up to use it in the library and you can print what you want. Along with the 3D printer the maker space also has some new Keva planks students can use to build bridges, buildings, or whatever you can imagine. As well as these fun things to look forward to or to use there are also many good books to read at the library. I had the fortune to be able to talk to Ms.McMillan about what books she recommends. She recommended two books, Bad Girls by Jennifer Mathieu and We begin at the end by Chris whitaker. Bad Girls is a book that takes place in the 1960s in Texas. Ms.McMillan says,
Photo courtesy of The King’s Page
“It’s kind of a re-imagining of The Outsiders but with girl greasers instead of the boys.” So if you’ve read the book Outsiders by SE Hinton and enjoyed it, Bad Girls might be a good book for you. We begin at the end is a mystery book set in a California beach town like Santa Barbara. The book is about a detective watching over some kids because their mother isn’t very present in their life. Suddenly their mom dies and the 13 year old girl and detective have to find out what happened to her. Ms.McMillan said the book was,
“A very moving story about how we deal with loss and then also has that element of you also wanting to find out what happened.” With all of these things to enjoy in the library and March book madness coming up next month, I can say I am very excited, and I hope you are too. The library is a great place to spend your time. So even if not for these things I highly suggest a visit to the library, just to find your own book to enjoy and relax.