“It’s just so unfair,” Senior Alex Massie said. “Who cares if we can’t sing?”
The cast of the spring musical Little Shop of Horrors went on strike the week we returned from spring break because they didn’t get to go to Hawaii with the Vocal Music Department.
Enchanté and Madrigals, two of San Marcos High School’s singing groups, flew to Hawaii on Thursday, March 24 to compete against other singing groups the next day. Lounging poolside, eating breakfast on hotel room balconies, and wearing sunglasses all day, every day, the students had a wonderful vacation. But it wasn’t all play and no work — Madrigals earned first place while Enchanté won second in their respective divisions.
Not everyone is happy for them.
“Frankly, this is just representative of a huge disparity in the performing arts department at SMHS,” Senior and Little Shop cast member Harriet Chilton said. She was interviewed on the picket line. “Actors at this school have to work extremely long hours, staying in the auditorium late into the night. The singers only have to be here for their one class period and then they’re rewarded with a trip? You’ve got to be kidding me.” Her spray-painted sign read “No Entertainment Without Compensation.”
When asked what would satisfy their concerns and end their strike, the cast members explained their list of demands.
“We want snacks at rehearsals. Enchanté gets to have hospitality every Friday and eat snacks, so it’s about time we get stuff too. We also want to hold our cast party after the musical in the Bahamas. Seems only fair that we get to party on an island after they got to.”
Sophomore Hannah Henderson was in an interesting position, given that she’s part of both Enchanté and the cast of Little Shop. “This is off the record, but I don’t really see a problem with only the vocal music groups going to Hawaii. I think the Little Shop cast is just being dramatic.”

Sophomore Hannah Henderson and Junior Sammi Schaefer and in Hawaii.