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ASB leaders across the district meet to discuss upcoming plans and share ideas.
From dodgeball tournaments to school dances, our San Marcos ASB has been actively increasing the variety and amount of activities provided for students this year.
The 2023-24 school year is almost halfway through and San Marcos students have already experienced events like themed PGPs, rallies, and Homecoming. In the following months, ASB is planning to provide even more events for students such as movie nights, a winter formal, a spring fling, as well as Prom and Grad Nite for seniors.
TONIGHT! December 14, 2023: Home Alone (1990) will be playing in the cafeteria at 7:00pm. Entrance will be eight dollars without a Royal Card, and five dollars with a Royal Card. Students who decide to bring their own popcorn container also get an additional benefit of an unlimited amount of popcorn for five dollars instead of paying for a provided bag of popcorn. There will be combos offered (candy, hot chocolate, etc.), too. For a better night, bring your own bean bags, chairs, blankets, and pillows.
“Pull-up to one of the fundraisers we’re doing like the movie night. Make sure to bring cash and be comfy,” said Oscar Aguilar, Senior Class President. “Make sure you’re not home alone.”
Snow Ball: There has not been a winter formal at San Marcos in around a decade. The Sophomore Class Officers have been planning the Snow Ball since they first thought of bringing the dance back when they were freshmen. The dance will occur on January 20, 2024 from 7:00-10:00 pm. It will be held at the Santa Barbara Historical Museum, which has a capacity of 600 people. Just the more reason to buy your tickets soon! Tickets go on sale January 9, 2024 and are expected to be the same pricing as Homecoming. They can be purchased online or at the business window during usual working times.
Rover Ojendis, the Sophomore Class President, said, “Buy them online as soon as possible because the line is longer at the business window. They’re going to sell quickly!”
To get five dollars off your Snow Ball ticket, Royals can donate gently used formal attire for their classmates to wear. Collection has already begun, students should head to I-9 to drop off the clothing items. To make the organization easier, students who bring in these items are asked to provide information on the size, brand, and color of the items they are donating. Since this will be a formal dance, the dress code is fancier than students are used to with Homecoming. This includes apparel like long dresses and dress shirts. Donating your lightly worn formal attire creates an opportunity for other classmates to have a spectacular outfit which is why Royals are encouraged to drop off their clothing even if they decide not to attend the dance.
Like other dances, there is a planned rally to bring up school spirit before the event. More information and specifics to come!
A spring fling was also confirmed in ASB’s plans for this school year and is being planned by the freshman class, but there is no information regarding it as of now.
Seniors: During Royal Time on Wednesday, December 6, seniors attended an assembly where details regarding Prom, Grad Nite, and graduation were revealed.
Prom is later this year, and is scheduled for June 1, 2024. The theme for it is currently being brainstormed and suggestions are welcomed. The location is still being finalized, as are other details.
Grad Nite will be at Disneyland California Adventure Park. Seniors do have to pay to go, but, “If you go to fundraisers, it will lower the cost a lot,” said Aguilar. Our ASB had a tri-school meeting on Monday, December 4, with Dos Pueblos High School and Santa Barbara High School to share fundraising ideas. As ASB continues to search for ways to fundraise for this trip, if you have any money-funding proposals you can reach out to your ASB officers with ideas.
Graduation is June 13, 2024, although this may be slightly later than in past years, the time to order your cap and gown is now. Paige Dupont sent a message containing all information via StudentSquare. To receive the most affordable pricing order by January 15, 2024, as a part of the San Marcos order. Although ordering caps and gowns will still be available past this date, the prices will increase. Josten’s is providing multiple options for caps, gowns, and grad merch, which can all be purchased with the link in Dupont’s email. Financial assistance is available with these orders and for further information on this, visit your Academic Counselor.
As for now, tomorrow is the last day of spirit week before we are off for Winter Break. Arrive at school decked out in holiday cheer and help fundraise for the activities our ASB have taken the time to plan for us Royals! Check out the @sanmarcoskingspage and @sanmarcosroyals Instagram pages for further updates and information!