With a new year comes a new you. And with that comes worries of whether the new year is going to be your year or not. Discover the alignments in your life and let the stars be the storyteller of your upcoming year. Look no further than your new year horoscopes!
Aquarius (January 20-February 18):
This year is a year of personal change and growth. You’ll be finding equilibrium in your life; deepening personal relationships, prioritizing self care, and more. You’ll be forming deeper emotional bonds, balancing the valued independence you hold for yourself. You may find yourself exploring who you are in a relationship but don’t forget to stay true to yourself. You are valued and this year will make sure of it. You’ve spent a lot of your time pondering, but let your ideas come to fruition. Change is going to come, and it’s going to be an exciting and unusual evolutionary stage for you. You will be offered a lot of opportunities for change, don’t be afraid to take them. 2024 is THE year!
Pisces (February 19-March 20):
With a much needed retrograde of Neptune, your ruling planet, comes a necessary change to your routine for more self care. There will be a lunar eclipse as well, a hopeful sign of a lasting change in your personal journey. This year will push you to explore different aspects in a relationship, but don’t get too lost in love, staying focused on your career and life goals will make sure things that are planned for you go smoothly. With love in the air for Pisces, don’t lose sight of the professional opportunities 2024 will hold for you. You are usually one to keep the peace but with Pluto changing its position, you’ll find yourself less prone to put up with people’s crap. This will be a good year for you to reflect on yourself and who and what you want for your life and find ways to make that possible.
Aries (March 21-April 19):
With Saturn spending the most of the year in the House of Unconsciousness, you will be led to deepen your spiritual journey. Thus opening you up and having more people in your social circle. Look forward to feeling more fulfilled yourself and feel pride with the work that you do and how far you’ve come. Jupiter and Uranus will be aligning (a rare occurrence), so there is a possibility of an unexpected financial gain in your future, but don’t forget to save some away instead of spending it all. This year’s eclipses could bring about shake ups in current relationships. The end of the year is going to bring about a change both scary and exciting in both your professional and personal lives, so be prepared.
Taurus (April 20-May 20):
You’re going to undergo a long and slow transformation in your career. When you look back on yourself at the end of this year you’ll see how different it is. You’re usually known for being traditional and stuck in the past, but you’re learning to grow outside your comfort zone and getting people talking about you. You’ll be quietly rebelling social norms, but that’s still rebelling. There’s going to be more opportunities for life experiences, financial gains, happiness, and more. With Mercury retrograding, you are focusing more on your commitments, your adventure side, and traveling. A new moon eclipse could be the push that’ll help you with your mental and physical balance. While these eclipses will cause you to be pushed outside of your comfort zone and it will definitely be scary, it will work out for the better. Good things will come your way, but for them to come smoothly you’ll have to have patience and keep focused.
Gemini (May 21-June 21):
This year will transform you. Out of your private zone of power and into an out-and-about exploration of knowledge and adventure. One of the eclipses will lead to a make or break of a relationship, but fear not. The eclipse afterwards will bring about something new within your personal relationship. Mercury being in retrograde so close to the end of this year might affect you intensely, but it brings about a productive start at the beginning of the next year. Be prepared for a couple of inconveniences here and there, those past relationships may not truly be in the past just yet. There will be a full-moon eclipse, suggesting a shake up in your work situation. Minor or major, it’ll put you on a different but better path that’ll better align with who you are.
Cancer (June 22-July 22):
2024 will bring many changes in your personal life, so don’t forget to prioritize yourself and to make self-care a constant in your daily routine. This year, tradition will go out the window and you’ll be going against the grain of life’s social norms, making people see you in a different light. This year’s eclipses will cause shake ups in different areas in your life, so be ready for getting out of your comfort zone and exploring different lifestyles for yourself, a new unexpected adventure could be one of those possibilities. With a Mercury retrograde coming through, you’ll have to be careful with your finances to avoid trouble. The retrograde will force you to really look at your expenses and realize how you might need to rethink some choices. What wasn’t fixed has a chance to change and be fixed near the end of this year.
Leo (July 23-August 22):
You will be experiencing professional and personal changes in your life in the early months of the year. With Uranus retrograding early in the year, this will affect how you feel which will be crucial towards reshaping your professional image. Pluto will be transitioning, marking important changes within your relationships and well being. 2024 is a time of change for you Leos, finding that balance between personal and professional is going to be a challenge. But while you will always be up to the challenge, don’t forget to take time to treat yourself and become a new you. The Mercury retrograde will spiritually change you, make you long for more adventure. It will also cause you to be on edge about your financial decisions in the fall months. You’ll slowly change and connect more with important people in your life. You’ll learn to share the spotlight with that certain special someone when the time comes.
Virgo (August 23-September 22):
With Pluto transiting you’ll be allowing yourself to revitalize your health and wellness and overall appearance in yourself. Why not try something new in your appearance, a bold haircut to match the upcoming wave of confidence that will hit you this year. Mercury’s retrograde will lead to more of a productive start to your work routines. The retrograde near the end of the year will make you doubt yourself, remember to take a step back and think your feelings through. This year might bring upon challenges, but nothing too big that Virgos can’t handle. There will be future disruptions, but they can lead to chances of introspection and progress within yourself. There is also a possibility of a relationship with someone connected to your job, which isn’t a surprise since you’re at your most attractive when you’re helping others.
Libra (September 23-October 23):
This year is going to impact you, so you have to remember to practice more self-care this year. But with Venus going direct, you won’t have to worry about your finances or majorly changing your appearance. You will be given unexpected opportunities along with a recognition in your career in an unexpected way. And with Valentine’s Day coming up, unexpected or expected, you’ll be enjoying yourself either way. Eclipses this year are going to cause you to be pushed out of your comfort zone, whether you like it or not. But how they will make you act and feel is something you’d rather keep hidden from others. The Mercury retrograde will cause mix ups in your personal and professional lives. You’ll be reassessing yourself and the relationships you have with others. Although reflecting on yourself can be tedious and tiresome, these learning curves will allow you to bring yourself back on the right track.
Scorpio (October 24-November 21):
This year will surprise you, possibly with a new unexpected love. You will also be handed financial and intimate commitments. With retrogrades coming from both your ruling planets (Mars and Pluto) be prepared for a year round introspection and transformations. Pluto will have you remembering to take more care of yourself and to practice self care more. Mars will remind you to slow down and stop stressing, it’ll hit you more during the holidays as well. Mercury’s retrograde will also give you that pause you need in your life. But don’t resist it, especially if you want to better yourself long-term. 2024 is going to be your year to relax for a while instead of headfirst working yourself to death.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21):
Spring is going to bring about romance in your life with Jupiter opening doors on love depending on what type of relationship you’re looking for. Two of the eclipses this year could cause a potential disruption between friendships with onslaught changes and stressful emotions arising. These strong emotions might push you to be harsher than normal with those around you so try to avoid conflict. Jupiter’s retrograde is going to shake things up for you so you have to remember to be kind to yourself and focus on your well being for once. Venus is going direct this year so that gives you more freedom to change it up with your appearance; how much depends on you. You’re comfortable with who you are and how you’ve always been, but change isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and the truth could set you free.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19):
This year will be yours for self discovery. You will have obstacles in your way but you will overcome them; harness your inner strength and you can overcome anything. Saturn’s retrograde will cause some introspection within your relationships with others. And with that, the two full moons with your sign will allow you to find truth within some of your relationship ties. Venus will enter Capricorn’s house as well which will lead to peace with love and will ease up the tension you will feel with Saturn’s retrograde coming through. Eclipses won’t have that big of an impact on you but you will still be unrecognizable to yourself by the end of the year. The Mercury retrograde can lead to clearing the fog in your brain and set you on the right path, but you have to remember to keep your confidence to do so.
Hopefully your horoscope can be somewhat of a guide to help you of what’s to come for you in the new year. But remember, nothing is set in stone. Happy New Year, Royals!