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A new school year has begun, which means a new freshman class is starting their journey at San Marcos. On the other hand, the seniors are in their fourth and final year of high school, and they know what the full experience of San Marcos is. They will take their senior classes, make memories, decide where they are going to college, and enjoy this year with their friends before they begin their adult lives.
The freshmen are completely new to SM and they are in their very first year of their high school experience. They have so many things to discover and learn, they have so many years ahead of them, but they also may be feeling nervous about being in a big new school that they are not familiar with. Many freshmen find it hard to adjust into high school after junior high, and it can be intimidating in the first few weeks. Luckily, some of our seniors have wise words to give to the freshman.
“I would say to really put yourself out there and give it all you got because you never know who you might meet! There’s something for everyone at San Marcos and there’s always a great group of people you can surround yourself with,”said Senior Olivia Barrios.
“My advice to freshmen is to attend all school events and don’t procrastinate on any work!”said Senior Luna Ramirez-Solano.
Overall, advice from this year’s seniors can be very valuable to this year’s freshman because seniors have been here at SM for over three years and they have found out how to make the most of their high school experience. If freshmen are able to put themselves out there and become involved in the school community, their years at SM will be memorable. It may be scary at first, but it is worth it in the end so you can truly know all that high school has to offer.