Bruna Tessari
Playlists are something that a lot of people will either make or play. There are different types of playlists for every artist or genre. The most common are rap playlists or phonk playlists. No matter what you search up, there will always be a playlist for something. YouTube has something that is called a “Mix” which is a combination of different songs or videos that are in one playlist. Spotify has the same thing but it’s more personalized with the type of music the person listens to.
Since Fall is here, there are going to be a lot of playlist wherever you hear your music about Fall. Fall playlists are just playlists where the music sounds like it fits the season. Songs that are calm or soothing are probably going to be found on a Fall playlist. Every season has a playlist, the thing that makes them different is the type of music. When listening to a Fall playlist you might be cozy in a blanket, or taking a walk under trees. You might feel relaxed whenever listening to a Fall playlist, especially when you are walking under the cold breeze. Though they may feel relaxing, some are sad songs, but they might have a very happy tone to it. Even though it might be sad, the song might relax your nerves while you are taking a daily walk or staying cozy in your bed. Overall, the Fall playlist is never going to end, unless it is the end of Fall.