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Former President Jimmy Carter at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library, 84 years old
1977, truly a time to lead the country. With the recent Watergate scandal, political betrayal, and resignation of former president Richard Nixon; the American public was looking for a new face to trust—somewhat of a “political outsider.” Suddenly, a Georgia peanut farmer steps into the picture.
“Jimmy Carter is one of the earliest presidents I remember, I was in sixth grade,” said AP U.S. History teacher Mr. Ohrn.
With an initially high 66% job approval rating (Gallup) that kept rising, a voter base that loved him, and an easy act to follow; the newly inaugurated Jimmy Carter was on a path for success.
However, starting with the poorly-American-received Panama Canal Treaty, his ratings began to dip. With rising inflation, the Iranian revolution, and the Three Mile Island nuclear incident, the 39th president was losing steam.
Carter lost his bid for reelection to hotshot Hollywood Republican Ronald Regan in 1980, but his impact on the United States was far from over.
Post-Office (not the kind for mail)
Oddly enough, despite his challenges in the Oval Office, Carter was a president who left a more favorable impression in his work following his term of service.
“My father really liked Jimmy Carter…When my father was older, he worked for a group called Habitat for Humanity…And one time, Jimmy Carter came to the project and he met Jimmy Carter,” said Ohrn.
Jimmy Carter became a renowned humanitarian. Not only a leading figure in the Habitat for Humanity non-profit—building houses well into his senior years—his foundation, the Carter Center earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.
Despite no longer playing in the D.C. circus, Carter still had sway over American opinions.
“When he was out of politics, he never had anything negative to say…he tried to have a positive impact with his life on the United States and on the world, he just didn’t give up on trying to have a positive influence,” said Ohrn.
And yet, perhaps the most significant work Carter accomplished was living—like for a long time. Outlasting many presidents before and after him (some wondered if he would even surpass our current one—Joe Biden), Jimmy Carter reached an astounding 100 years of age before eventually passing on December 29th, 2024.
The Procession
The funeral was held in Washington D.C. For thoughtfully celebrating the life and legacy of former president Jimmy Carter, we have no one else to thank for the beautiful procession aside from its planner—former president Jimmy Carter. Yes, he planned his own funeral.
It was a beautiful service. Famous friends and family spoke lovely eulogies, inside the even lovelier Washington National Cathedral. The event—with a slightly volatile room at max capacity carrying an overwhelming amount of political behemoths—had its own share of virality. Let’s review.
Top Funeral Moments:
Mike Pence and Donald Trump’s Painful Ex Handshake
After the couple’s split in 2020, let’s just say it was an awkward situation for all parties involved.
Jimmy Carter’s Grandson’s Eulogy
Genuinely beautiful
The Tense Presidential Seating Chart
All five currently living past presidents (all with certain grudges against each other) packed together in 10 church seats
The Obama-Trump Gossip Sesh
Two huge political adversaries, one jovial conversation; what were they talking about?
Lip-reading experts from across the country have chipped in their two-cents on the dialogue details, our very own Mr. Ohrn is here to do the same. Keep in mind, he tried all the voice impressions too.
“Ok, so here’s what I think they’re saying…
OBAMA: Ahh, so, is Melania coming to the White House this time? Ahh, or staying in New York?
TRUMP: MElaNia, definitely coming to White House, loves White House. Everything’s white, loves it. New York good. Mar-a-Lago good. White House, white,” said Ohrn.
All in all, the main shock of the service was the relative tranquility. In the super-charged American political landscape, is it any wonder the public was surprised by the peaceful procedures? Sometimes the only thing we need to unite a country is a funeral—so we thank you Jimmy Carter. May your legacy of service and humanitarianism continue to inspire others to do the same. Rest easy Mr. President.