Warm food, fun traditions, and family time are all a part of what makes Thanksgiving the best fall holiday. Halloween may have its perks, but it is not even half as wonderful as the holiday where you eat amazing food and celebrate what you are thankful for.
Thanksgiving is a fantastic holiday, especially when it comes to food. There is such a wide array of food and flavors on the table. From mashed potatoes to pumpkin pie, there is something for everyone. The food is also so much fun to make and the smell of your house while cooking could arguably be the best smell ever.

“I absolutely love this spicy smoked stuffing that my dad makes every year with the smoked turkey,” said junior Alana Petland. “You can just smell the fragrant spices filling the air.”
Thanksgiving is a time to show how thankful you are, while on Halloween you are taking free candy. On Halloween, you are just taking, while on Thanksgiving, you are giving. Sure your family might be giving out candy, but is candy really something people need? Whether you are volunteering, donating or helping your family out, Thanksgiving is not all about you, it is about others. It’s all about being grateful for all the wonderful things you have.
One other thing to be thankful for is that you get a whole week off from school. A whole week to relax and do nothing. Most years, Halloween is only one night and you have to go back to school the next day, lame!
Halloween may have a few fun things like dressing up and getting candy, but Thanksgiving also has leftovers. Tupperware after Tupperware is stacked in the fridge and you have food for days. Sure you can argue that candy is a dessert, but so is pie and you will probably have leftovers of that too after Thanksgiving. Plus, pie is fantastic and way better than candy. Would you rather have warehouse-made candy that has no love or care put into it, or would you rather eat a delicious pie that someone took the time to bake and put their heart and soul into? The answer is obvious, pie is far superior to small, heartless candy.
Also, Halloween’s history is pretty creepy. Celtics used to participate in the festival of Samhain where people used to dress up in animal skin costumes to scare away spirits. Thanksgiving was about celebrating how thankful the Pilgrims were that they had food and were going to survive. Though of course there is a darker part to it, but nowadays we have our own connotations with Thanksgiving. For instance, spending time with friends and family, volunteering, football, and who could forget the amazing dinner that comes with the holiday? Thanksgiving is a great time to make heartwarming memories and pave a new path for the future.
“My favorite part of Thanksgiving is being able to make lots of food with my family and enjoy a meal together. [And] my favorite Thanksgiving food is our homemade cheesecakes,” said junior Kealani Holland.
Thanksgiving is such a fantastic and relaxing holiday. Halloween barely shines in comparison. The best fall holiday is the one where you get truly in touch with your family, friends, and what you are grateful for.
OPPOSING VIEWPOINT LINK: https://thekingspage.com/2020/10/01/why-halloween-is-the-best-fall-holiday/
GOOGLE FORM TO VOTE ON THE BEST FALL HOLIDAY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jD72nFbkjg2rGCF2PiW3l7f6JNCdK8PaSbhY5QOjr9U/edit?ts=5f6517a2&gxids=7628
A & E Editor
Kylie is a junior at San Marcos High School..