Time is something we have a lot of right now and we can’t fill it the way we used to. However, there are many hobbies out there to entertain you. There are indoor and outdoor ones and there are online and offline ones. From photography to knitting, there are many things that are worth trying out.

Photography and photo editing is a wonderful hobby to have. It can even make you money. If you have the eye for taking pictures you can sell them. Taking pictures is also a great way to keep memories. You can even take it a step farther and begin scrapbooking. Photography is fairly easy to get into, it is so easy to take pictures on the go with so many people owning phones.
“Photography can be a great way to express yourself and communicate feelings through visual storytelling,” said photography teacher Ms. Mitchell. “Some advice for students who want to try out photography would be to challenge yourself to start taking pictures of things you normally wouldn’t. Photography is so much more than selfies and pictures of your lunch. Think beyond pictures of flowers and sunsets, those are going to be pretty no matter what. Instead, try taking pictures of very ordinary things in extraordinary ways — think about angles, lighting, and cropping. Photo editing should always enhance a photo, not try to save a photo that was boring to begin with.”
Another fun hobby to try is baking and cooking. Not only do you get to make something beautiful, but you can eat it afterwards. Baking and cooking offers a wide array of things to keep you busy, you can make something that is savory, sweet, or spicy. It can also be a time consuming hobby, so if you have time to spare this is something fun to do. You can even combine the hobbies of baking and photography and take photos of your food.
Baking is one of the easiest hobbies to get into. All you have to do is go to the store and get your ingredients, most of the equipment like pans and pots we already have at home. If you are looking for recipes YouTube is a great place to discover some and if you already know what you want to make, just google the recipe. There are tons of blogs dedicated to cooking and baking and all you have to do is look.
Furthermore, sewing, knitting, and crocheting are some of the many textile crafts and they are all fun to do. It is pretty easy to google how to sew or quilt and many guides are very helpful. As you get better at knitting and crocheting you can even do it while watching your favorite tv show or movie.
Michaels and many other craft stores have all the knitting and crocheting things you might need and Jo-Anns’ has all the fabric your heart desires. If you don’t know where to get started, just like with baking, YouTube is a fantastic place to research.
“Sewing is a wonderful hobby,” said senior Shana Friedenberg. “It’s a great way to be creative and express yourself. I would recommend starting with cotton fabric, polyester thread, and any sewing machine you can get your hands on!”
Drawing is another fantastic hobby. It can be a very relaxing thing to do and with so many mediums and possible subjects, what you create is limitless. From doodling in a notebook to water coloring on a canvas, drawing is such a versatile art form. You can even do it online with apps like adobe or procreate.

Drawing is an easy hobby to take up. With markers, pens, and pencils laying around the house, all you have to do is pick one up, grab a piece of paper and get drawing. If you don’t know where to start, there are plenty of ‘how to draw’ books and even more resources online. Just check Pinterest for inspiration.
There are plenty of outdoor hobbies as well, these include going cloud watching, kite flying, or stargazing. Beachcombing is when you go to the beach and look for seashells and pretty rocks. It is a super fun and a time consuming way to spend your day, just make sure you go during low tide and remember that the best areas to find pretty shells are in rocky areas.
While these are some pretty common hobbies there are many obscure ones. You could try making paper flowers and while this is a very old fashioned hobby, it is making a comeback. You could also try making dream catchers or origami. The list of hobbies is only as limited as your imagination.

With so many options to choose from, how could you ever go bored? If none of these hobbies are your style, Wikipedia and Pinterest have vast lists if you want to see some more recommendations. Good luck and remember that it takes time to learn something new and practice makes perfect.
A & E Editor
Kylie is a junior at San Marcos High School…