A&E Editor
With San Marcos going back to school in a few months and being unable to hide our dead ends and overgrown hair, we need to be able to cut it. However, going to see a stylist is such a hassle especially during this pandemic. The obvious solution to the problem is to cut your own, but where to start?
It may sound simple and easy, but there’s a lot to it. You are definitely going to want to do your research. Wikihow is a good starting point, but you will want to read other credible articles. From there you can explore YouTube, which has so many helpful videos that will definitely be worth the watch. However, don’t watch one video and call it quits, make sure you watch a credible source. Look for videos from hairstylists like Brad Mondo who has done videos on how to cut both men’s and women’s hair at home.
When you first start cutting, always cut less than you think. You can always cut off more hair, but you can’t get hair back. You don’t want to regret cutting your hair because it’s too short. Also, search for pictures of what you want your hair to look like and if someone else is helping you, make sure they know what you’re invisoning.
If you are doing this alone, make sure you have good mirrors and a small hand held one to see the back of your hair.
If there is one big don’t, it is to NEVER EVER EVER use kitchen scissors, it is a bad idea. The scissors will be dull and will create more dead ends. Get scissors from Amazon, Rite Aid, Target, or any other beauty store. You can get some that are cheap and will cut your hair nicely. It may seem like an unnecessary thing to get, but they will be so helpful and worth it. You don’t want to create new dead ends to replace your old ones.
One thing you actually really want to do is section your hair! If you put it into a low ponytail and then chop it all off, it will be super uneven. It will look like a weird ‘V’. The back will be long while the front will be short and not in a cute way. It is recommended that you put your hair into four different sections, maybe more. When sectioning, you want to make sure that the section lays flat and you aren’t pulling it. If you pull it, you will get weird lines. So take your time and be smart.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you have curly hair, or are cutting curly hair, it is a much different process than cutting straight hair. Make sure to look specifically into cutting curly hair when you use google or YouTube or else things might not come out the way you want. There are many great resources out there.

If you are a guy and want to cut your hair, there are so many different tricks and tips and methods. It is something you will want to do a lot of research about and make sure that you have a good idea of what you are getting into, what you want, and how you are going to do it.

Remember, this isn’t a one chop and done process, it takes time and shouldn’t be rushed. If you do not want to put the time and energy into cutting your own hair then maybe you should go to the salon instead. Just make sure it is what you want to do and be confident. Take the time to consider if this is a good idea, do not be rash. It is a big step to cut your hair and you want to do your research. This article is not a whole guide, it is just an overview.
Here are some resources:
For curly:
For straight hair(these are the two videos I watched when I cut my hair):
For men’s:
There are so many more great resources out there, make sure to check them out! Remember to take your time, do your best, stay patient, and think it through. Good Luck!