We have been home since March 2020, and we have become experts at filling our time with school and work. This upcoming winter break, many travel plans have been canceled due to COVID-19. But as we are all stuck at home, I want to offer some fun suggestions to occupy yourself during the break.
When interviewing multiple students, many reflected on running out of ideas. Cindy, a freshman here at San Marcos, has recently gotten into creating jewelry. She suggests to anyone trying something new this break to remember your goal and push yourself to get there. For Cindy, it is a joy to have had a finished product that looks great. She feels a sense of accomplishment and bringing joy to whoever ordered her rings too.
So many beautiful trails and hikes are located right here in SB, filled with fresh air and stunning views. Plus, they can be so beneficial while we are staying here for the holidays. Hiking is a form of exercise that uses your leg strength. And for many hikes, they are safe to distance yourself from others socially. Before going on walks and trails, make sure you have a bottle of water, contact an adult or family member to let them know where you are going and which route you are taking, and make sure you stay on the clear paths in avoidance of getting lost or hurt.
Santa Barbara is known for how beautiful our beaches are, yet still, many residents don’t appreciate the convenience of living right by them. Beaches can help release stress and you can absorb your daily amount of Vitamin D. Scientists at the University of New Hampshire say it will help you get a better night’s sleep as well.
Calling loved ones or elderly:
While we have been made comfortable using social media and connections with modern technology, think of those who are not as fluid in technology. In my case, I have learned that my grandparents are not. Imagine not having those tools at your disposal, and imagine how isolated you would feel during this pandemic. So every night around six, my family calls my grandparents and makes a joke of the day. I suggest calling and checking up on anyone you know who may feel isolated. Now in my family, we look forward to it every night and always share new jokes!
Art Galleries:
As some may know, Google Maps and Google Art & Culture has just released a new feature on which you can visit and walk through famous museums throughout the world from just your screen. Plus, visit and view globally famous monuments from any angle standpoint, and visit behind-the-scenes in key sporting locations. With these features and so many more, you should check out the website and get your own look. This is a great way to visit and see unique monuments from just the comfort of your home.
Here is a link to the website: https://artsandculture.google.com/project/street-view
Baking or Cooking:
As the weather is getting a bit colder, a nice way to heat up the house with some delicious recipes is turning on the oven. Ask your family for passed down recipes, or maybe try a new one you found online. On the King’s Page, we have several recipes to fill up some time. Especially if you love to bake, there are some that are a must-try.
“It’s a great way to take your mind off of anything,” Stated freshman Claire Gamble. “If I am ever bored I love to bake. I lose myself in baking and can forget whatever is bothering me.”
She also stated that her favorite thing to bake right now is pavlova. Which she also suggests to anyone who is starting baking this break.
The King’s Page Pecan Pie Cookies
The King’s Page Pumpkin Spice Bread Recipe
These ideas and so many more are great ways to learn and stay in touch for the holiday break. Remember to keep safe and to be socially distant while participating in these activities. Happy Holidays, Royals!