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With a very tiring and unpleasant year coming to an end, you may feel particularly urged to come into the New Year with a resolution. It can be difficult to think of a resolution or achieve the one you come up with, but going into a new year with an intention gives you a goal to chase after and something that you can accomplish through hard work and determination. The following list are some strong ideas for things that you can work on throughout 2021.
Eat healthier or exercise more
While this can be a tough resolution to stick with, eating healthier and exercising more can help boost energy levels, help with weight management, combat tiredness, and improve your mood. The list of benefits for a healthy diet and exercise regime goes on and on. Adding more fruits and vegetables and cutting out sugar or processed food is a great start for improved nutrition. Although gyms are closed, you can begin exercising by trying easy at-home workouts or going on daily walks. Remember that any effort is a good effort.
Get better sleep
Teenagers tend to have it rough when getting a good amount of sleep. Sleep is important because it fuels our brains and bodies. To start, turn off devices at least 30 minutes before you go to bed and invest in remedies (like melatonin pills) if you naturally have trouble sleeping (consult your doctor first). Try to aim for 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night, reduce naps if you can, and attempt to regulate your sleeping cycle.
Earn or save money
If you have a job, you may want to consider saving your money. Doing this will allow you to be prepared for any unforeseen situations and can help with college or going into adulthood. It is always better to start saving early. However, if you don’t have a job, you can apply to several places and get employed at one of them. Then you will begin to earn money and, if you want, save it. Getting a job has many benefits which include earning money, becoming more well-rounded, learning new things, and going out of your comfort zone.
End procrastination
Procrastination is a trait that people of all ages suffer with. It can lead to being unprepared and uneasy with assignments and can cause low grades. Starting the new year and semester with an intent to not procrastinate will only make you a stronger and more prepared student. You will learn how to find motivation to begin and finish assignments on time.
Learn a new hobby
Finding something you enjoy or are good at is a great way to occupy time, have fun, and strengthen your abilities. If you’re interested in finding a hobby but you’re not sure where to start, you can try learning a new instrument or sport, drawing, writing, cooking, gardening, or making crafts such as candles or soap. By having a hobby, you’ll always have something to go to when you feel upset or bored!
Be more positive
It is easy and normal to look at all of the bad things that happened in 2020 and feel down, but a good resolution for this year is to focus on the positive side of things and be grateful for what you have. Instead of dwelling on the bad events in your life, focus on the positive ones and actively appreciate the good things, or people, in your life.
Organize more
Organizing and cleaning your space can reduce stress while promoting productivity. If you find yourself residing in a messy room, cleaning it up can help you feel more at ease in your environment. Additionally, organizing your school space, supplies, and assignments will make it easier to learn and pay attention in class.
Read more
Picking up a book not only occupies time but it deepens knowledge and passion. You also may be drawn to the story and find yourself not able to put it down. Some may think that reading is fascinating while others find it boring. If you’re the latter, find something that you’re interested in learning or reading about, whether that’s a school subject or a good story, and get a book that contains it. You may be surprised. If you’re interested in reading more, you can start by visiting the San Marcos library website here and talk to Ms. McMilian.
Make new friends
It is difficult to make friends or other connections during this time with online school, but you can still try to put yourself out there now and when we go back to school. For now, just making conversation in your breakout rooms could make a difference. You can also try making new friends outside of school (like if you’re downtown or somewhere else); your friendships don’t have to be limited to your classes.
Spend less time on your phone
Many tend to get carried away when they are on their devices. We can spend hours and hours on social media, texting friends, playing games, etc. This can affect our health, mentality, and our learning. It is important to go outside safely and stay off your phone to experience the world. You can start by limiting your screen time to 2-3 hours a day and you will naturally become less reliant on your phone.
With a rough and crazy year ending, a New Year’s resolution has never felt more perfect to have. Hopefully you learned something from this article and are inspired to follow through with one of these or come up with a resolution of your own. It can be tiring to keep a resolution and not give up, but remember that you are making an effort to improve on yourself and that the road may have bumps!