When did the New Years Eve Ball first drop in Time’s Square?
Answer: 1907
How large is the Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball in diameter?
Answer: 12 feet
How many versions of the Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball have there been to date?
Answer: 7
How many colors can the Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball display?
Answer: 16 million
How much does the Times Square ball weigh?
Answer: 11,875 pounds
When was the second Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball introduced?
Answer: 1920
What newspaper sponsored the first-ever Times Square New Year’s Eve party?
Answer: The New York Times
What two years did the Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball not drop?
Answer: 1942 and 1943
What was the most popular 2020 New Year’s resolution?
Answer: To work out more
In Spain, 12 of what type of food is eaten at midnight on New Year’s Eve for good luck?
Answer: Grapes