The Royal Report. One of the best parts of Fridays, and one of the best parts of the week. Every time you step into the second period and hear that music from the Royal Report start to play, it brings a smile to your face. You then see the weekly news recap. A common question asked when watching the Royal Report is how it is made. I wonder things such as who films all of the clips, and who edits the royal report.

“The Royal report is broken up into all of the sections that we are filming during the week, each team films their section and then edits their sections then we make it into the big video that is released every week. It is important to have the royal report because it is another method of pushing out the week’s information for the students in a more fun and informative way, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t,” said Mr. Solis “The royal report has been around since 1997 and it is important and will hopefully stay for a long time.”
The Royal Report pushes out content focused on school news and important events coming up in their weekly videos. It is a great way to get students’ attention on the topics while putting a fun spin to keep everyone entertained.
“My favorite part of the royal report is the sports highlights for all the sports teams, and getting to hear all of the news for the week in a really fun and entertaining video,” said freshman Himatt Singh.
The Royal Report is loved by all students, and is something that always cheers up the mood of students on a Friday. You students should also pitch your fun ideas of what should be on the royal report and your idea could be on there. The royal reports future is in good hands and will be around for many years to come.