Dear Lance,
I don’t own anything green. Do I really need to wear something green on St. Patrick’s Day?
Not-A-Green Queen
Dear Not-A-Green Queen,
Wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day is tradition. However, not all traditions are meant to last. When you look around school that day, I am sure that you will see plenty of others who skipped the wearing of green. If the risk of being pinched is too much to handle, go for the green. On the other hand, if you do not own anything green, going out of your way to buy something just for one day might be a bother. Somebody in your family probably owns something green you can borrow, but again that might be a bother. The choice is up to you, and remember that you can always be festive next year (but the leprechauns might get mad).
Dear Lance,
Spring cleaning is the worst, but my parents always make me clean my room. Any tips for cleaning up quickly?
Dear Messy,
The best tip I can give is to clean really well once, and stay organized forever. This may not expedite the cleaning process this time, but it will save you a lot of work in the future. Firstly, take some time to tidy all of your belongings, and assign things spots to be put away in. Then, you will know where everything is, and you have a place to put everything back so stuff will not pile up on the floor. As long as you keep everything orderly, spring cleaning will be a lot easier next year because things will not be strewn all over.
Dear Lance,
Are 4 leaf clovers real?
Stuck With No Luck
Dear Stuck With No Luck,
You are in luck, because they certainly are! While their supposed magical properties are little more than myths, the clovers themselves (though rare) can be found in any standard clover patch. Clovers bloom during the spring and summer, so right now is the perfect time to start searching. Have fun, and hopefully this can turn your luck around!