Hello to all of our wonderful King’s Page readers! This is our first letter from the editors note this year… how crazy! We hope this issue of the King’s Page finds you well. There is lots of content for you to enjoy in this issue, from prom pictures to international news stories. But before you continue reading, here are a few things we wanted to inform you about!
First and foremost, follow us on Instagram (@sanmarcoskingspage)! Our account is run by one of our lovely Editors-In-Chief, Mia Cannizzaro, and she has so much fun doing so! We love documenting the behind-the-scenes process of creating our newspaper and sharing it with the San Marcos student body. Our instagram is a great way to get involved in the King’s Page without even taking the class. For example, you can vote on our story polls that may be featured in articles! Follow us to stay updated with everything we do!
Also, we are actively recruiting King’s Page staff for next year! We’d love to have you join us and we have a variety of spaces open, which includes both writing and editorial positions. Email [email protected] if you are interested or come talk to one of us! Coming from people who have been in the King’s Page for multiple years now, we can confidently say that joining the class was the best decision in our high school careers. We have been given priceless experiences, opportunities, and have built some of the strongest friendships of our lives. So please, take this into account and sign up for journalism! Hey, maybe in a few years you’ll even be Editor-In-Chief and you’ll be writing your own letter from the editor…
Since our freshman years, taking journalism has helped us develop so many skills that we will be able to use for the rest of our lives. Our writing, problem solving, communication, editing, and many other skills have improved drastically over the past few years. We have even learned how to use new technologies such as InDesign to lay out the paper.
The best part of the King’s Page is our community. By the end of the term, we have gotten so close to all of our classmates, and have really been able to learn from eachother.We are constantly working to refine our journalism skills while also having fun and developing our relationships with one another. We can guarantee you that you will leave this class having made strong friendships with people you haven’t met before.
Lastly, we are so excited for our Senior issue this May! We have so many exciting things planned for it and we can’t wait for you to see it! Our last issue of the year, the senior issue will feature lots of fun content, such as a centerfold full of college decisions where you can see where all of your fellow graduates will be pursuing their college careers!
If you are a huge fan of the King’s Page and you are feeling extra charitable, scan the QR code on page 3 to donate to the King’s Page, or do it directly from the San Marcos High School website. Additionally, check out the online publication of the King’s Page at www.thekingspage.com for even more articles and to learn about our talented staff.
Royals, with the end of the school year approaching as well as graduation and Summer vacation, we would like to congratulate you all for your hard work this year, especially our seniors! Remember to treat people with kindness and stay safe. Go Royals!
Until next time,
Mia Cannizzaro, Sofia Wallace, Leo Metzger (Editors-In-Chief)