It is a new year of new changes here at San Marcos! One implementation that caused anger, disappointment, and outright confusion was the replacement of physical student ID cards in exchange for digital ones on the app, Minga. Instead of receiving a fresh printed card on picture day to use for getting lunch and leaving campus, everything is now done through Minga. The joy of having a physical ID was lost and students found it annoying that they had to download this new app on their personal devices. The backlash has been apparent, with students’ voices open and vocal about their negative feelings towards this new system.
“I like having a physical copy of something because it makes me feel like I actually have it. The problem with Minga is that the app takes a long time to load on school Wi-Fi, so when you’re trying to get your lunch it takes longer to get […],” said San Marcos junior, Ryan Taylor.
These seem like the thoughts of a lot of students, as cards were simply easier and more convenient to use.

Image courtesy of Caden Semenza
I too hated this new feature of campus life. I thought it was cool to have a physical ID to whip out. I also felt stressed at the beginning of school not knowing what Minga was and discovering it through word of mouth rather than an official source. However, now that close to a quarter of the year is over, I have taken a better liking to the app. So much so to the point that I dare say I think it is better than physical cards.
It turned out to be much more convenient as it provides one less thing to worry about. You do not have to worry about misplacing your card or forgetting it somewhere. A device is also easier to pull out rather than digging through a wallet. It is also much more convenient for the school. They no longer have to haul out all of the equipment on picture day, get the plastic to produce them, and get staff to do it. I have also experienced loading issues when leaving campus, but simply opening it a bit before I need it is an easy fix that is barely an inconvenience.
I understand the frustration with the system changing and having to adapt. This school has never had digital IDs before and the old ones will be missed, but it is for the better. Yes, Minga takes some getting used to and takes a while to load, but overall the pros outweigh the cons, as having a physical can be a hassle at times.