Staying vs. going is a hot topic during Christmas time. It is usually a decision that everyone has to make during their Christmas break. If we are being honest there is not really a decision in my opinion. You are staying. It is Christmas, what could possibly be better than being in your home watching Christmas movies with your family with hot chocolate and the fireplace on? There cannot be a more enjoyable time of the year than this. Then during the actual day, waking up in your bed and being all cozy and running to the Christmas tree and seeing all of the presents; this is the best time of the year.
Freshman Rumi Jahangir Arshad said, “I think it is better to stay in town during the break. I like being around all of my family, and being in my own home during Christmas day.”
People agree during this time of year there is nothing better than being at home with your family.
During the second part of the break, a whole other debate starts. New Years time is the perfect time to travel to a vacation town for 2-3 days for a quick, fun getaway. Places like Palm Springs, Pismo Beach, Monterey are awesome for a quick getaway to let loose and have a good time with family and friends during the end of the break. Staying in a hotel and making it to 12 then crashing to bed are Some of the best memories I have from being a kid are on these vacations, staying in a hotel, making it until 12 and then crashing to bed. Nothing beats the apple cider and random snacks you bring for the quick trips.
Sophomore Himmat Singh said, “I think staying for Christmas is the better choice. I like being at home. I also like to travel to Arizona and see my family that lives there during the end of the break.”
Traveling during the end of the break to celebrate New Years is something you should try this year. Get in the car, pack a few days worth of stuff, and head to some cool little town to enjoy the end of the break!