Sitting around a tree with family there to watch each other open presents is a memory to cherish. But some might dread their turn for opening presents, faking a smile and feeling the crushing defeat of receiving socks instead of new shoes or maybe even a new book. Many people (more specifically adults) struggle with finding good gifts for their loved ones. In truth, who would be excited to wake up on Christmas only to see that their parents had given them a self help book? Parents and teenagers come from different generations so the difference in opinion might just be because of age, but then again why are socks the first thing that comes to mind when adults are gift shopping? There is a mighty high chance that no teenager begs their parents for a brand new pair of socks every Christmas.
One of the worst gifts to be given would have to be a present given to a San Marcos freshman by the name Colin Emmerson.
“My mom got me a tongue scraper as a stocking stuffer, it was so random and I still haven’t used it,” said Colin.
A tongue scraper does not give the same excitement as a new wardrobe. Perhaps if dental hygiene was the goal, a glittery tube of toothpaste would be better but it would still not be a satisfactory gift.
Or imagine getting a piece of jewelry from someone you care deeply about and being told it cost them an arm and a leg to get, only to see it break not ten minutes later. Jewelry can be beautiful and a sentimental piece of fashion but saying that a one dollar bracelet cost almost a fortune would definitely dampen the holiday mood.
On the bright side, not all presents are the worst. The best presents could be something more along the lines of chocolate, a new pair of headphones, even the full five Percy Jackson books series.
Colin Emmerson also mentioned the favorite gift he has received. “The best gift I’ve gotten was a huge chocolate bar, it was 1.2 pounds. It was amazing,” said Colin.
And who would disagree, chocolate is almost as important in Christmas and candy canes and family. Besides chocolate, no matter what type, is always a great gift to rely on if someone doesn’t know what to get their friends. Maybe this year, gifts will be given to others with a lot of thought put into them, no one wants a repeated gift or a “cute,” ugly Christmas sweater.
Presents, whether they are good or bad, are still present. And whether someone took hours, days or weeks to think about it, or they took no time to wonder what that person will like, it’s still a present. Similar to the words from A Christmas Carol, “It’s a small matter to make these silly folks so full of gratitude.” And being grateful is the least a person can do. It’s a part of the Christmas spirit to be grateful, and in life. Unless of course someone gets a truly awful gift, in that case let karma sort itself out.