Yesterday, an intense battle unfolded between cross-town rivals, the Santa Barbara Dons and the San Marcos Royals. The event marked senior night for both captains of the San Marcos wrestling team, Angel Estrada and Charles “Chuck” Wickline. These two leaders have devoted their time and energy to the new wrestling team at San Marcos, which now boasts a roster of many fresh faces compared to last year’s.
Angel Estrada expressed the significance of his role, stating, “I have a lot of first-years looking up to me. I know I have to perform well to inspire the guys and help keep the program alive.”
Angel set the tone early in the 113 weight class, securing a dominant pin in the second period.
The team showcased its talent with upcoming sophomore wrestler Cole Dominguez maintaining a perfect record by winning with a pin using a cradle technique. Sophomore Jacob Brown, a first-year wrestler, impressed with a victory by accumulating over 18 points.
The 215 weight class witnessed a grueling battle between sophomore Maximo Silva and his Santa Barbara counterpart, providing spectators with a long and intense showdown.
The dedication and skill displayed by the San Marcos wrestling team, particularly on the senior night for Angel Estrada and Chuck, highlighted the team’s commitment to success and the development of its newer members.