Even before the first official day of school, the San Marcos campus was already full of students preparing to make this year the best one yet. On Friday, August 16, San Marcos hosted its annual freshman orientation event, in which Link Crew student leaders introduced incoming freshmen to our school. During orientation, small groups of freshmen led by Link Crew leaders played icebreaker games, had the opportunity to get involved in our school’s clubs, and participated in a thrilling rally which left students of all grades buzzing with school spirit. However, the Link Crew orientation program was not always so thorough and eventful. Activities director Mr. Hiracheta and student leaders worked to make many changes to the program in order to give incoming freshmen the warmest possible welcoming to San Marcos.
Unlike previous years, the 2024 freshman orientation began with San Marcos’s first indoor rally. As the hundreds of new freshmen filed into the gym, San Marcos’s cheer team, students, and staff gave them a welcoming applause while they took their seats next to their Link Crew leaders. After introducing this school year’s staff, our ASB led the freshmen in school cheers, organized interactive games, and spread the inspiring message that the future is ours.
“I think the rally was such a fun way to raise school spirit among the freshman class,” said junior Link Crew leader, River Fernandez. “I definitely saw the students getting more and more excited for the year to come.”
After the rally, small groups of freshmen followed their Link Crew leaders to classrooms where they immersed themselves in icebreaker activities like learning the meaning behind each other’s names and discussing their personal interests. The games helped freshmen make connections to others on campus and build relationships with their peers. In contrast from previous years, the groups spent much less time on these icebreaker activities. More emphasis was put on introducing San Marcos to our new students.
The groups then engaged in a revamped rotation system. In one rotation, Link Crew leaders gave their freshmen a tour of the campus, showing them the locations of their classes and other important spots like the library and office. This year, two brand new rotations were added: a panel and a club rush. As student leaders spoke on a panel in which freshmen had the opportunity to ask upperclassmen for advice on being a good high school student, freshmen got involved by joining clubs that reflected their unique interests.

When asked about final changes made to the program, Mr. Hiracheta said, “this year we incorporated chances for students to get freshmen class tee shirts as well as Kona Ice.”
Link Crew did not end with freshman orientation, in fact, it will continue all throughout the year. Student leaders will frequently check in with their freshmen groups during royal time and help them adjust to San Marcos in any way possible.
When asked about continuing Link Crew throughout the year, Junior Reagan Conway said, “I will always lend a helping hand when freshmen need some help, and my freshman that I helped transition to high school have my number, and are always able to contact me.”
While the adjustment to high school is undoubtedly difficult for all students, the Link Crew program helps incoming freshmen ease into this big change. It makes them excited to be a royal, establishes connections to others on campus, and prepares them for their high school careers. If you are interested in helping welcome next year’s incoming freshmen to San Marcos, be sure to join Link Crew in the spring for volunteer hours and a fulfilling experience!