Please note: While a thirteenth sign, Ophiuchus, was rumored to be “discovered” by NASA (this statement has since been proven incorrect), most newspapers do not include it in their horoscopes. In order to uphold the respectability of the King’s Page and our Royals, we shall not include this additional zodiac sign in our paper. Only the standard twelve will be included in our horoscopes below.
Scorpio (October 24–November 22): New birthday, new you—and how appropriate that is for Scorpio, a sign that embraces a change of pace. You will be playing detective around the 12th, and you will need to stay alert so as not to miss out on key details. Mid-November, it will behoove you to take note of how your friends and coworkers are talking to you—call them out if you sense that they are being toxic or dishonest. Near the end of the month, you will be gifted with a major boost in self-esteem: use it to address previous problems, with elegance.
Sagittarius (November 23–December 21): For someone who can be the life of the party, November’s looking surprisingly chill for you, Sagittarius—and that’s a very good thing. Mid-November, you will need to be in tune with your gut instincts. Success and prosperity are looming close on the horizon, and if you don’t run towards these new opportunities, you will definitely regret it. The nostalgia will be kicking in towards the end of the month, and as you do a little bit of tidying up, you’ll find mementos that still hold important meaning to you.
Capricorn (December 22–January 20): Things are looking up for you, Capricorn! On the 10th, important people will be drawn to you, career-wise. A few days later, this critical connection will pay off, putting you in charge of a team at work, school, or volunteering. Use your natural charm and sparkle to point them towards victory—just don’t flex your awesomeness too much so as to avoid jealous backlash from less successful colleagues. Near the end of November, an enormous bit of inside information will come into your midst—use it wisely.
Aquarius (January 21–February 19): Oh, Aquarius—the middle of the month is going to be a wild ride, to put it mildly. Your dreams will show you real-life situations to work though, so you will need to keep track of them. You’re learning more about yourself than you ever thought possible during November, and are reconsidering professional help to smooth out some of the rough patches in your life; that’s absolutely fine. The end of this month will plunge you deep into your feelings, with a major question in your personal or professional life solved.
Pisces (February 20–March 20): November 15–it’s not just 8 days before Thanksgiving (or for some, a college and/or scholarship deadline). For you, Pisces, it might mean some serious splurging and some fancy new purchases, if you’re not careful; don’t overdo it. Towards the end of this month, you will be called upon for conflict resolution, which is normally something you seek assistance with. Look deep inside yourself and think back to useful tactics that older friends and adults have used with you—the more peaceful, the better.
Aries (March 21–April 20): This month will leave you in pursuit of honesty and authenticity among your peers and your superiors. If you owe anyone anything, you will get the chance to pay your dues, literally or figuratively. Be ready for the big surprise to come on November 17, as your wallet will be hurting if you are not adequately prepared. By the end of the month, you will be tired out, so do not hesitate to allow yourself a little relaxation time. You will already have tackled so much this November that it will be well-deserved and even necessary to function.
Taurus (April 21–May 20): Two or more heads are better than one, and that motto will be particularly relevant to you in November, Taurus. However, even though your relationships with others will become very exciting and sometimes hard to keep up with this month, fight the urge to police their behavior. Take a cue from your friends and colleagues and let the chips fall where they may. Doing so could spell out a winning streak for you, or at the very least, unexpected admiration from an acquaintance or newfound respect from a former rival.
Gemini (May 21–June 21): Hang in there, Gemini. November may seem like slow going for a while, but things will start to pick up mid-month. New developments in your everyday life will be underway by then and your body will thank you for taking extra time to check in with it. As you near the end of the month, you’d do well to put some effort into your clothes as well, since you never know who you will meet while out and about—dare I say, your soulmate? On the last couple days of November, you will be feeling hopeful and in good spirits.
Cancer (June 22–July 22): Before the middle of the month hits you like a speeding bus, Cancer, it would be wise to enjoy yourself. On your docket for November are a few bumps in your creative road, another chance to bond with your friends and partner(s) more deeply, and a clue to cleanse negative people and sentiments from your life completely. That is a lot to balance, so choose your battles carefully. Even though this month will feel like drinking from a fire hose, most of your requests of others will be fulfilled by the end.
Leo (July 23–August 23): Leo, it seems like you will be nothing short of a machine this month. With the passage of November, you will feel bolstered by loved ones and as though you can conquer anything—a feeling that may seem random, but is not. Remember your difficulty achieving your goals last month? This difficulty will be no more, thanks to the approach of Sagittarius season. The end of November will find you cutting ties with disrespectful comrades, gaining kinder and more thoughtful friends in place, who improve your state of mind.
Virgo (August 24–September 23): Sharp-witted Virgo, you would do well to watch—or even hold—your tongue, near the middle of November. Even if you think your commentary is helpful, it may do more harm than good and burn bridges. Reconsider if what you are saying is thoughtful, helpful, important, necessary, and kind. Though you will not be as chatty, chances are someone will take your breath away this month, which will be your reward for being so careful in communication. You’ll find your voice again near November’s end.
Libra (September 24–October 23): Your situation this month is going to be quite rocky, Libra, and it may well feel like your world has turned upside down. This bout of struggle will likely cause you to crave something expensive and ask someone for it upfront—you definitely won’t feel like paying for it yourself. November, while it certainly will not be the best month of 2020 for you, can still bring positive change to your life, should you choose to accept it. Lean into new perspectives and a new mindset at work and play, and you should be good to go.