Dear Lance,
My crush is asking someone else to HOCO and not me… How do I make him fall in love me?
Royally Desperate
Dear Royally Desperate,
Homecoming season can be hard for many of us, but sometimes you have to accept that if your crush does not ask you to Homecoming, they are probably not worthy of you. You could have a really fun time at Homecoming even without him if you chose to go with your friends or someone else. However, I do know a guy who sells love potions. Contact him through his Snapchat @chino.27k. He also does spell jars and manifestation spells. Use at your own risk.
Dear Lance,
I’m on one of SM’s sports teams, in a few clubs, and feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done! Most days I don’t even have time for lunch. Not to mention, I want to spend time with friends because that feels like the only thing that keeps me sane. Please help, how do I balance social life and school work?
Stretched and Stressed out
Dear Stretched and Stressed Out,
Good for you for expanding your horizons and being ambitious! It is important to have balance, though, especially between school, extracurricular activities, and spending time with friends. The sad truth is that you might have to drop one of the clubs you are interested in, if you simply do not have enough time. I recommend making a list of most important to least important or a pro/con list to sort out what is your highest priority. To go the extra step, note what makes you happy. Is it something you enjoy doing or just doing for college? Are you doing it for you or for someone else?
Dear Lance,
A smelly footed student
Dear smelly footed student,
I am so sorry that your cat was never housebroken and that your shoes are smelly, but I have a couple of tips to tackle both of those issues! First off, here are some tips to potty train your kitty. Step number one is to get a little box and stick it in a quiet area. Make sure the litter box stays put. Routine is very important to cats. Secondly you need to get a type of litter that your cats respond to well. Arm & Hammer Cloud Control Clumping Litter is an excellent cat litter that has raving reviews. As for cleaning your shoes I suggest throwing them into the washing machine (if they are canvas) until the smell is gone. But if worst comes to worst, sleep with your shoes on so the cat has zero opportunities. Or kick out the cat.
Dear Lance,
How do I become a bad bleep… Addison Rae?
A Wannabe-Bad Bleep
Hi A Wannabe-Bad Bleep,
I can tell that the influence of social media on our everyday lives and seeing those content creators like Addison even attend Met Galas make us see an easy way to fame. If YOU want to be like Addison Rae, I can give you a few tips on how to get your Tik Tok™ on and help you possibly even be the next one! First I would say to participate in trends. Dance, music, transitions, edits, jokes. Your viewers will probably create connections to know you with just like Addison Rae and her viral videos. Secondly, I suggest that you post regularly on your account. People will see what you’re posting about, and stay if it’s great. Lastly, remember that even Addison Rae’s first tik tok video only got one like and for a while most of her videos did bad as well. You must endure it for the long run my friend but with this advice I’m sure to see you on the FYP soon!
