Coronavirus has taken a toll on all of our lives recently. It has affected our loved ones, and our ways of living. It has ruined plans, and events. It needs to end, and we must get back to school. One reason that we should go back to school is that we will be able to better ensure that all students are safe. About 2.6% of the average high school students in the United States have an unsafe environment at home. Another reason is that it is easier to learn in a school environment and have your teacher always right there if you need help. Then lastly, we all miss our friends, and with this new way of life it’s getting even harder to see and communicate with them. So with all of these reasons and more, it sounds almost silly to stay closed. Hence, we should open back up schools.
As mentioned before, school is hard to be taught anywhere other than school. About 63% of the school agree that school has been tough online in a survey the staff has conducted, and about 43.8% of students want to get back in the classroom. We have struggled with learning online, paying attention in class, and getting our work done. Just even turning in our homework can take about 10 minutes alone now, instead of just slipping it into the basket of finished work on a teacher’s desk, which takes about 2 seconds.
“I am getting very tired of Zoom classes, they are a lot less engaging than in person classes and make it much harder to learn,” said senior Skye Dameron.
The students are tired. The teachers are done. It would be in everyone’s best interest to open back up school.
An empty classroom. Photo courtesy of Pixabay
Another issue with school staying online is that it is affecting our mental well being. Simultaneously, online almost everyone has turned to only ever communicating with friends and family through social media. But when social media and other online platforms are limited, we do not have access to communication. Many also have stated in our sent-out Google Form that their mental health has suffered greatly during online learning. Also, while in school, we would be able to talk to friends—all of them—all the time, now we cannot do so.
But also the school provides so many nutritious meals and benefits to many low-income families, and has been doing so since school was shut down.
The CDC has stated that, “For children from low-income families, school meals are an especially critical source of affordable, healthy foods. While schools have implemented strategies to continue meal services throughout school closures, it is difficult to maintain this type of school nutrition program over the long-term.”
I understand that some are nervous about going back to school. I am high-risk myself. And I am very scared of the virus. But honestly, I am even more scared of not getting the full on high school experience.
A student dons a mask in an otherwise empty classroom. Photo courtesy of Pixabay
“The administration and the staff are making plans to keep our staff and students safe when they return because they will!” said principal Dr. Glazer. “We have been updating our safety plan to include pandemic preparedness because we have always had a comprehensive safety plan. For example, we will check everyone’s temperature when s/he arrives on campus. Everyone must wear a mask while being on campus, and there will be additional handwashing stations throughout the campus so that everyone can wash their hands frequently.”
Overall, hopefully one day we can all be back together on campus, going to games, school events, and more. It is so important that kids are getting their lunches and nutritions they need, getting help in and after class with a more personal connection with teachers, and us all being able to see each other face to face. So here is your reminder to stay safe, wear your mask. Hope to see you all soon in the classroom!
You can find a rebuttal to this article here: Why Schools Shouldn’t Re-open.
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