San Marcos High School Marching Band is a place for students to express themselves through the songs and tunes they create. Where does it come from? Who is playing it? A group of musicians…
It is the San Marcos Band! Not only are they there to encourage athletes with their music, but to entertain the public. They stand in the bleachers cramped next to nervous sport fanatics or enthusiastic football fans, and that takes a lot of commitment. Thinking about it, who would stand on bleachers, instruments always in hand for more than fifteen minutes?
Besides the cheerleaders, Band has also gone to football games to support our fellow Royals. These musicians travel as a group supporting each other and showing off their San Marcos pride at football games! But what do these people actually do in a band? Is it fun?
“We spend days marching or practicing music, then culminating together with the band mates,” said freshman and member of the marching band Bram Nissan when asked about the band’s schedule.
One thing Bram enjoys about being in a band is all the people he gets to see and be around, though it would be expected for it to have some downsides, Bram stated that even before school started they had to do thirty hours of Summer band practice. Nothing is perfect, not even a team of great and talented music players.
“The worst part is probably how committed you have to be…[]Having to be on it all the time,” said Bram.
Band is a great place where many people from different backgrounds and ethnicities and grades come together to join in each other’s joy and presence. They learn teamwork and enjoy each other’s company.
An anonymous San Marcos student said, “I really like the people, the people are sweet.”
So it should be safe to assume that everyone gets along pretty well.
“There’s not anything I can say that I actually hate”
They admitted later to enjoying Band and really finding nothing that was unbearable about it. One other thing stated is that there are four parts to be practiced in a show but the band happens to be a little behind on their schedule.
To many people, a band may not be their first choice, but it does bring joy to many others. It is a way to express themselves through music while meeting new people and making friends. Who does not like to meet new people? The point is that the band inspires many others, it excites them and gives them something to look forward to. They chase their enjoyment while also encouraging fellow students. Band is filled with people who play for San Marcos sports teams from the bleachers. They come to games and find a way to make them more lively than they already are. It takes a lot of time, energy, dedication, and commitment for someone to repeatedly practice an instrument then show up to sports games and show their enthusiasm. It is hard to stay positive and constantly give the best performance one can give, but the people in Band seem to do that well, it seems natural to them. They make it look flawless, a lot more goes into it than one would think.
In short, our band is awesome and deserves respect for all that they do. Whether music or band is someone’s passion or not, the San Marcos Band sure does a lot and they are really good at it. Want to support the Marching Band? Go see them at the home game on October 6th!