Giving gifts during the holiday season can be a bit challenging. Sometimes people are hard to gift for, or maybe they are new friends who haven’t shared their interests. Either way here are some ideas that will hopefully help out.
Giving sweet treats or snacks is a great gift if you know what the person likes because you know they will appreciate it and it wont leave clutter after the holidays are over. Although somewhat basic gift cards are a great idea as well. Gift cards allow people to choose what they want rather than having someone get something that maybe they wouldn’t have used had they gotten it. Another great thing to give that is also cost effective is something homemade. Homemade gifts show that a lot of time, effort, and thought was put into that person. It also not only gives a lot of freedom with what to do, it also makes that person feel special that someone would put that much effort into them.
“Homemade gifts are typically less expensive but more meaningful and show that you not only put effort into the gift but that you put effort into the relationship.” Said freshman Serah Angel.
Here are some more specific ideas. If you would like to give them some kind of food you could make their favorite cookies, get some peppermint bark, their favorite candies, or anything they would enjoy! For gift cards some good ideas would be to get one for their favorite store, or restaurant, or their favorite place to get drinks. As for handmade gifts, if you know how to do something like crochet, or knit you could make a sweater or their favorite animal as a stuffed animal. You could also make a handmade card for them to put with a gift. Something origami like flowers would also be nice and they will last forever. Along with homemade gifts some other gifts that are $15 and under could be squishmallows for someone who loves stuffed animals. If they like art you could get new paint brushes, colored pencils, paints, or other art supplies they use. Books, bookmarks, book covers, and tabs are good for readers. For people who are into makeup and jewelry you could get lip oils/glosses, jewelry trays, rings, or bracelets.
No matter what you end up getting for your friends and family they will appreciate whatever it is. It’s not always about what you get but the thought you put behind it that shows someone you appreciate them.