After what felt like ages, summer is finally here! No more homework, tests, and waking up early. It’s time to relax and enjoy the nice sunny weather.
Some may say it’s too much time to just relax. Some things to keep students and teachers from laying in bed all summer break, here are some things to consider doing.
Signing up for summer camps are a great way to enjoy break and make friends. There’s a summer camp for almost everything you can think of so use it as an advantage and sign up. Even better, sign up to be a counselor at that summer camp and maybe even earn some money!
Here are some summer camps available this summer:
Junior Lifeguards
UCSB Surf & Kayak
Santa Barbara Tennis Club
Momentum Dance Company
Santa Barbara Sailing Center
Santa Barbara Rock Gym
Santa Barbara of Natural History
Speaking of making money, getting a summer job is a great way of keeping yourself busy during summer break. There are a great number of jobs available for students in Santa Barbara during the summer.
Here are some summer jobs available this summer:
Sports Camp Counselor
Adult and Elderly Caregiver
Pool Attendant
Server Assistant
Cashier/ Customer Service
Swim Instructor
Most students need to get their community service hours done over the summer but don’t know where to start and even how to get their hours done. All information on community service hours are provided on the San Marcos website.
Here are some ways to get community hours done:
Give Benefit Sale
AHa! Littlest Little Farm
Isla Vista Youth Projects Family Resource Center
Fun In The Sun
Santa Barbara Agriculture and Farm Education Program
IVYP Food Distribution
Now let’s see what some of our students are doing during the summer…
Freshman Tyler Walker works for a catering place called Duo and will play volleyball during this summer. Sophomore Eloisa Koroshec is volunteering at Immigrant Hope, working at Recipe’s Bakery, and going on a cruise to Europe during the summer. Senior Ximena Guzman entered a program called Ruaning Start Program which consists of 2 classes at SBCC in personal development and Chicano studies. She will also be celebrating her 18th birthday by going to the beach.
Have a great summer, Royals!