Every generation is a changed one. Whether it is noticeable or not, there is always something different to the last one. An evolution, which, usually you think about nature and animal development when you hear that word, but it is not just the environment. It is the people. It is the clothes. The sounds.
The music.
Music is perceived differently by everyone, but almost anyone and everyone can identify a song or an artist with its generation.
It is easy to know what timeline a song or artist belongs to. For example, Micheal Jackson. When you think about the King of Pop, you think of the 80’s. When you hear the name Celine Deon, it is the 90’s; Eminem, the 2000’s; Katy Perry, the 2010’s. Music is categorized into generations, for its time volume, and quality.
Yet, there is a band to be introduced, a band which is referred to as the “Generationless” band. Music where, when heard on the radio, you have no idea what decade it came out or who it belongs to. You can call them what you like, when you like, but their name is LoveJoy. And they make timeless music.

LoveJoy is an indie/pop-rock band and was started midway through 2021 in Brighton, UK. It is a group of four musicians and they have grown in popularity with rapid speed since they started their career as musicians together. The main singer of the group is a name you may have heard of before, Will Gold, or as his social media name goes, Wilbur Soot. He was originally a famous YouTuber/Twitch streamer from 2017-2021. And even while he started his band, he had not stopped releasing fun content, yet his videos and streams began to decrease as his band became his priority.
Before Lovejo was formed, he made music of his own while being a content creator, making smaller songs that had not gained much popularity compared to his main path in gaming at the time. Until he released a song he called “Your New Boyfriend,” which just seemed to be a fun song; but little had he known this would be the start to his interest in creating a band, a logo, something millions listened and heard of on the daily. “Your New Boyfriend” became a large hit and fans wanted more. So, he and his friend, Joe Goldsmith, found two other people to create a band with, meeting up with his new band mates:
Ash Kabosu, Joe Goldsmith and Mark Boardman, all in their mid twenties and near thirties. And, like anyone that loves music, they play for the fun of it. In one of the live interviews taken after their tour in France, they talked about how they play for themselves and music has always been a part of them.
“As a fan of Lovejoy, I think they’re great. And honestly, their music just feels so much more personal to me,” said a freshman at Dos Pueblos, Amelka Poćwiardowska, who is a fellow fan of Lovejoy.
“The music was good. It was new, it was fun to listen to,” said San Marcos freshmen Yaretzi Flores.
Yet, fans and listeners started to notice that their music did not fit this generation or, to make it clearer, their songs were not like the music you usually hear nowadays. Some considered it to be similar to Nirvana, from nearly 30 years ago, or Arctic monkeys, which were popular over a decade ago. Somehow, the way their music sounds and their lyrics and how they perform, none of it fits the generation now, the one before this, or all the ones before. It is like a mix of all the generations, in its own way. Hence, they were given the nickname, as mentioned earlier in the article, the “Generationless” band.
And they are not the only ones that make music unique and different to the times we live in now.
What was the point of talking about this, you may be thinking. What is so important about this whole topic? Music, whether you enjoy it and its emotions withheld in the tunes, or if you have near little interest to the sounds and lyrics, has importance. It carries ideas, something to think about. And as the generations pass by and time does what it always does to the world (change), we have more to think about, different things to theorize, to feel. Lovejoy, although not such an important or popular band, is somewhere between the lines of everything- every year, every lyric, every note. They stand out as artists. This might not be important to everyone, but it can be. It’s worth something, everything is.
If you enjoy indie/punk rock or want to find yourself in that genre of music, Lovejoy is a great choice. You’ll notice what it means when they say “Generationless”!
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