King’s Page Editors- A Year Later

Senior editors Mia Cannizzaro and Sofia Wallace turned their tassels on June Second, 2022, saying goodbye to the King’s Page and hello to collegiate journalism. 

A student-run publication is a creative machine built to communicate. With many moving parts, the machine could not properly function without its engineers, the editors. From brainstorming, to layouts, to publishing, the editors of the King’s Page put a tremendous amount of work into curating every issue of our school’s newspaper, learning many valuable lessons along the way. Year after year, senior King’s Page editors take these organizational leadership skills along with them as they move on from high school and are introduced into collegiate and professional life. The impact of working for our school’s newspaper was especially prevalent for the King’s Page editors-in-chief of the 2021-2022 school year, Mia Cannizzaro and Sofia Wallace. Both former editors wrote for the King’s Page for multiple school years, fulfilling a variety of positions including staff writers, section editors, and editors-in-chief. Both writers would come to describe their time at the King’s Page as one of the most influential experiences of their high school careers, and the insight that they gained continues to benefit them a year later.

Without a doubt, one of the most valuable aspects of working on the King’s Page is the collaborative student environment in which staff members of all grades support and push each other to become stronger writers and better communicators. Former editor Sofia Wallace commented on this, emphasizing the positivity of the paper’s cooperative working environment. 

“I felt like I was both part of and contributing to a community. My best friends worked on the paper with me and I loved the collaborative community aspect of being surrounded by other talented writers who cared about the things I did.”

Mia Cannizzaro and Sofia Wallace both noted how working on the King’s Page taught them about the importance of staying organized and on top of work in order to meet due dates. In Journalism, writers are often confronted with very demanding deadlines, and practice with this has helped both editors to succeed in their college classes. These skills are important to possess in journalism courses, however they translate to classes of all subjects. Both editors have continued taking Journalism classes, and their existing Journalistic knowledge has come to their advantage.

Mia Cannizzaro is currently enrolled in a news writing class, and added, “In a journalism class I took this year we had to write using the inverted pyramid format, which I had already learned from the King’s Page.”

When asked about how the King’s Page has influenced her in college, Sofia Wallace stated, “The Kings Page taught me how a student run publication is run, which has given me knowledge and preparation for working with other student run publications. In college, there are endless opportunities available for participating in student-run groups, and the King’s Page definitely prepared me for this.”

 The two also highlighted how the King’s Page helped them learn to be professional when communicating with others, especially during interviews.

Sofia recently interviewed for an editing position on a student-run literature publication and recognized how the King’s Page gave her valuable interviewing experience. “From the King’s Page, I definitely took the skills of preparing and having a list of questions with me for interviews.”

While the laborious task of putting a newspaper together can be tedious, both former editors commented on how rewarding it was to see the paper come to life. Mia commented, “One of my favorite parts was working together with students to create something from start to finish. I liked the independence and responsibility that came with working at the King’s Page.”

Sofia and Mia strive to continue to influence others through their writing. Sofia Wallace added, “On the King’s Page, I had the opportunity to inform and educate other students with my articles. I hope to continue to do the same and have an impact on the lives of others by broadening their perspectives.” 

On this topic, Mia Cannizzaro said, “One of my final pieces was for mental health awareness month in May, and although I never heard anything directly, I hope that article helped someone! I didn’t write many news articles but when I did I found it to be very empowering.”

As two experienced editors, Mia and Sofia have lots of advice for students of all grade levels at San Marcos. Everyone has unique interests and skills, and throughout high school, students take classes that allow them to learn about topics that interest them. They both encourage students to compile portfolios of their work along the way, whether it is writing pieces, art, or photography. This will be helpful for students later on as they can show off samples of their work in college clubs or utilize it for job interviews. They also mentioned how important it is to put your specific skills on resumes, for example, photoshop. 

On this topic, Mia commented, “Even if the place you’re applying to doesn’t require those programs or skills specifically, the fact that you were able to pick those up shows you are capable of learning something.”

No matter the subject, they recommend for students to never stop learning about topics that they are passionate about and to run with every opportunity that they can. Getting involved in school leadership is the most important thing for students to keep in mind. For seniors especially, Mia and Sofia mentioned how students applying to colleges or jobs can write about their specific leadership experiences. Universities are always interested to hear how you as a student positively impacted your school. 

Sofia said, “Join clubs or start clubs, participate in school activities, but most importantly, enjoy your time in high school.”

Mia Cannizzaro and Sofia Wallace, who were editors of the King’s Page just last year, have greatly expanded their knowledge of journalism with the help of their King’s Page skills. We cannot wait to see how this year’s graduating editors will grow and continue their professional careers in the years to come.