Joey Mackoeditor In Chief, This Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 is Veteran’s Day. A day in which we honor the men and women who served in the United States armed forces during war or peacetime. It is a day to reflect and be thankful that there are people in our neighborhoods, at our school, in our families, and potentially even in our homes that serve, or served, to protect and defend the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans. We must not take their efforts for granted. Veteran’s Day commemorates the hard work and sacrifice of millions who have served throughout our nation’s history. November 10, 2020
Joey Mackoeditor In Chief, This election for the Presidency of the United States is a nail biter. An edge of your seat and contentious election that is unsettling as the year of 2020. The race between Democratic candidate Joe Biden and President and Republican Donald J. Trump is one that may likely not end today. As the American public anxiously awaits the results, the effect of COVID-19 on this election’s voting system has come under scrutiny. Mail in and absentee ballots in some states still need to be taken into account and according to CNN states such as Pennsylvania stated that they “weren’t even to start tabulating their mail-in votes until later Wednesday morning.” This election is close and as the indication of a potential landslide victory quickly faded away as the results of the election seem to hinge on the outcomes in a few key states. November 5, 2020