For this month’s Freshman Spotlight, the King’s Page interviewed Jesus Pulet Rodriguez.
For the Freshman Spotlight of this month I interviewed Jesus Pulet Rodriguez. He is 15 years old and has 3 siblings. He goes to San Marcos High School and previously went to La Colina Junior High. He has Physics 1st period with Mr. Bradley, Health 2nd period with Mrs. Hantgin, Journalism with Ms. Willbanks and Spanish 4th period with Mr. Young. I asked him these following questions:
What is your favorite class? My favorite class is Health class.
What is your most difficult class? The class I find difficult is Spanish class.
Are you playing any sports on campus or in theater, band, chorus…etc.? No, I do not play any sports or do any other activities.
What time do you wake up for your first period zoom? Around 6:45 is when I wake up.
What do you do after school? I get ready for jujitsu class or play games.
What is your favorite part about San Marcos so far? Nothing, I can’t even go to school.
What is different about Junior High and High School so far? There are more classes.
What is most sad about missing out on school because of corona? Getting to meet new people.
Have you made new friends through zoom breakout rooms? Yes, I have.
Do you have any upperclassmen friends who have been helpful? No, I don’t.