The San Marcos Gender and Sexuality Alliance is creating a digital magazine for students. The “zine” is looking to showcase works such as poems, stories, and digital pieces from LGBTQ+ students. Contributions for the first edition of the zine are due by March 5th and submissions can be anonymous. The submission form is now open, and in order to access it email [email protected] or direct message the Instagram account, @sanmarcoshighschoolgsa.
If you are an LGBTQ+ writer or artist and would like to know more, or an ally that would like to show support, please fill out the interest form that can be found on the @sanmarcoshighschoolgsa Instagram bio or click this link:
Additionally, there will be a zine work-day during the GSA meeting on February 19th, from 12:00 to 12:30, if people want time to focus on their art and a place to discuss their ideas with other artists.