The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, better known as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, moved into their Montecito mansion July of this year. Their $14.65 million home includes nine bedrooms and six bathrooms spread across seven acres of beautiful land. The backyard includes a tennis court, teahouse, and rose gardens, just to name a few of the extra amenities in their new home.
“More celebrities and wealthy clients want to get away from Los Angeles and the Bay Area. It is hard to find the right temperate weather, a highly educated and caring community, and people who respect celebrities’ privacy,” said Compass Estate director Bridget Murphy. She continues, “Santa Barbara is a safe and wonderful place to raise a family and all the outdoors activities, culture, art, music, food, fashion and fun. I think we have it all!” Bridget also explains in an interview how she believes they purchased the house at a good price, because it was originally marketed at $34.5 million back in 2015.

We are left with the similar question, why the move? In several interviews, the Duke and Duchess mentioned that privacy was extremely important to them. While still living in Los Angeles, they experienced aggressive paparazzi and many other privacy concerns. Creating a peaceful, secluded environment was important for them to raise their one-year-old, Archie.

“Oh easy question. I am loving it. It’s fantastic.” Harry said when asked if he enjoys life in the U.S. by an old friend in a Daily Mail interview. He later adds, “What I need is a few mini rugby balls so I can get Archie involved with the game… I’ve got a little bit of space outside which we’re fortunate to have.”
At first when locals hear this news it can seem a little shocking. We’ve known celebrities to live in Montecito and Santa Barbara, but royalty?! “I think it’s cool how their kid will grow up in the same areas I did,” said sophomore Brianna Julio.
This may be what a lot of us are thinking. Although they live completely different lifestyles, it is hard to comprehend that royalty is just within a short drive for most of us. They appear to be loving their private new home and excited to make more memories while raising him here and continuing their family.
Staff Writer
Jillie is a sophomore at San Marcos High School